So… this is a tough one for me to write. We all like to think we have things under control, but for a while now I really haven’t had them so. And it all comes down to being a little lazy and a little dishonest with myself. It’s tough to…
As many of you know, I have a couple of teenagers in the house. And a common theme among teenagers, it seems, is the search for who they are. Everyone likes to belong to something, and many people do it via beliefs about who they are – and teenagers, as…
Back in 2013, in my third summer of running obstacle course races, I put together a team of friends to run the Mud Ninja race here in Ohio. A friend of mine who runs a training studio (Lori Crock of Movestrong Kettlebells in Dublin, Ohio) joined the team and offered to lead…
Paging Chuck Barris… no, in all seriousness, this has nothing to do with the actual Gong Show (thank goodness – I really don’t want to go through the Unknown Comic and his cohorts again). It has everything to do with setting goals that are going to promote better living and…
Of all the reasons I have for my love of obstacle course racing, I think the one that really sticks with me the most is its power to change lives. More than any other sport, activity, or what have you, OCR seems to propel people to new things. Naturally, I’m biased,…
I’ve mentioned before that my wife is an age-group swim coach for our local YMCA. It’s a part-time gig that she loves, and when it came up I encouraged her to take it because she does love it so much and I knew she missed having swimming in her life (she…
Let’s talk a bit, now, about the resistance you might receive from others when you take on your obstacle course race (OCR) journey. And there’s going to be a lot, I hate to say it. But your attitudes are the most important things, and you can defeat the attitudes of others.…
This is going to be a slightly different post today, sort of a journal of what I did and felt this weekend. Because a couple of things happened this weekend that were awesome and made me consider my training and lifestyle pretty seriously. And it involves the World’s Toughest Mudder…
This is going to be one of those posts where an overwhelming number of people are going to tell me that I need to just lighten up. Sorry, can’t do it. I’ve got a bit of a rant coming up and I think it’s overdue. People like to joke about…