Latest Race: Tough Mudder Kentucky

Post Mudder Beers

Everyone who is into obstacle course racing knows about the stories of Tough Mudder – the challenge, the now-legendary obstacles, and the camaraderie of the event are all a big part of what OCR is all about. Lots of races have tried to emulate the culture of Tough Mudder, and maybe…

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Enter the Shrinkage: Dealing with Cold

polar bear plunge

Unless you were on my swim team when I was growing up, something that most people don’t know about me is that I may be the world’s biggest cold-water wuss.  It’s true. Getting into the water when it’s anything but a tepid bath or warmer is one of the most…

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Why Rain Means Better Training!

OCR race in the rain

When I was in the National Guard and Army Reserves, there was an old saying that the training personnel liked to throw around:  “if it ain’t rainin’, we ain’t trainin’.” It was meant to be a motivational slogan to make you not hate being wet while you tried to do…

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Testimonial: the Power of OCR

Team Mudlife Crisis Forum

Of all the reasons I have for my love of obstacle course racing, I think the one that really sticks with me the most is its power to change lives. More than any other sport, activity, or what have you, OCR seems to propel people to new things. Naturally, I’m biased,…

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Post Worlds Toughest Mudder Hangover

Tough Mudder

This is going to be a slightly different post today, sort of a journal of what I did and felt this weekend.  Because a couple of things happened this weekend that were awesome and made me consider my training and lifestyle pretty seriously.  And it involves the World’s Toughest Mudder…

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Have You Been Initiated into Adulthood?

Feeling good halfway through the race!

Two weekends ago, I completed my latest Mud Ninja race.  And though it wasn’t my most successful race as far as obstacle completion and time go, it was a complete success from a level that I didn’t even consider at the time, but was a lesson I realized a few days…

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