Getting Ready for 2018 – Are YOU Ready?

It’s that time of year again… time to get some plans together for the upcoming year and to put together goals and projects. There’s a lot of power in using the calendar to set your goals – whether it comes from the symbolism of the new year and new beginnings,…

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The Gong Show Way to Make Yourself Better


Paging Chuck Barris… no, in all seriousness, this has nothing to do with the actual Gong Show (thank goodness – I really don’t want to go through the Unknown Comic and his cohorts again).  It has everything to do with setting goals that are going to promote better living and…

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Gimme a Big Cold Hug…

cold shower

If you’ve been following me on Instagram the past month, you know what I’ve been up to (besides swilling some admittedly great coffee at various places around Columbus). I’ve been doing the Wim Hof 20-Day Cold Shower Challenge. I’ve mentioned it before, but this is the wrap-up for the project…

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Awesome and Terrible: Wim Hof Cold Shower Week #1

cold shower in river

A few days ago, I mentioned how I was going to start off on the Wim Hof program to adopt cold showers in my life.  The reasons for this are many, but until today I don’t think I really thought about the emotional reasons as well as the physical. But…

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